Tuesday, August 2, 2016

We have been together for 13 years

Even though we are not married, we have been a couple for 13 long years! It is a win-win partnership as we work together as a team in a small company travelling together by car and by plane shuttling back and forth between Penang and KL for business. Most of the ideas come from discussing in the car while he drives as he leads the company from strength to strength and victory to victory. We enjoy doing things together as a couple and as business partners. We also give each other room for personal space and do our own things to recharge and rejuvenate. I have accepted him as he is just as he has accepted me as I am. Two heads are better than one as they say. He loves to watch wrestling or WWE, NXT while I love to read books in my room and sometimes join him in watching Astro.


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