Friday, April 25, 2008

Shout to the Lord on American Idol 2008

I stumbled this YouTube video recently and decided to blog about it.

Did you know that the top 8 on American Idol sang ‘Shout To The Lord’ twice?

First they sang it on April 9th starting the song with “My Shepherd”. Then then on April 10th, they sang it again but this time they started with “My Jesus”. Watched by millions around the world, this is a great step forward, indirectly spreading the gospel. And a very cool move by FOX for letting them do it the 2nd night with the full version. This was awesome. Praise God!

For those who missed it, here it is. Enjoy!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Putting the kingdom of God first will prosper us. It says, ALL, not some, not a few, not many but ALL these things that you desire will be added unto you. So it pays to spend some quiet time seeking for God's answer to the day, to pray and talk to Him and to read the Bible where He speaks to us. We need to set our priorities right and everything else will fall in place nicely for us. As we take care of God's kingdom, God will take care of our business and our daily affairs. May God Bless you as you read my blog.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I have heard from Pastor Joseph Prince that we are the rapture generation. Well, nobody knows when it is going to happen but with the signs that's been happening all over the world like earthquakes, wars, pestilences, etc, you know that the end times are coming. I certainly look forward to being raptured - having a new body that transcends matter and rising to heaven, and not experiencing sickness, weakness or death.

Death is a curse that fell on Adam when he ate from the wrong tree. And because of Adam's sin, all mankind has to go through death and women experiencing great pain in labour. The earth has the taint of the curse. Eventually there will be a new earth and new heaven where wild animals live at peace with each other where there will be no more killing.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Your Miracle is in Your Mouth

I just came back from Gurney Plaza and my friend bought a copy of Pastor Joseph Prince's book entitled "Your Miracle is in Your Mouth" for RM24.95. It is a small book of 87 pages and I can finish reading it in 1 hour's time. I was surprised to see Joseph Prince's CDs and books on display under the Christian Bestseller section in MPH in Gurney Plaza. At the back of the book, it states below:

How you see God affects how you receive from Him. See God for who He really is in two thrilling Old Testament stories full of powerful new covenant truths. And as you see a gracious God in the midst of an imperfect people, and the love of Christ in His perfect sacrifice, faith will spring up in your heart to speak His Word and receive your miracle.

Wow! Such powerful testimony. For the newbies who don't know who Pastor Prince is, well, here's an introduction: Joseph Prince is the senior pastor of New Creation Church - a dynamic and fast-growing church in Singapore, which has a congregation of more than 15,000 members. His ministry as pastor, teacher and international conference speaker focuses on unveiling Jesus and revealing His heart to the people.
Joseph Prince is happily married and deeply devoted to his wife, Wendy and daughter Jessica Shayna, who are a constant source of love and support to him. For more information on and resources by Joseph Prince, visit their website at

Monday, April 7, 2008

Partaking the Holy Communion Worthily

When Jesus died on the cross, his shed blood is to forgive us our sins in the form of wine and his broken body for our healing and removal of sickness and diseases. That's why we take the broken bread to represent his body. To receive healing, we need to partake the Holy Communion worthily and discerning the Lord's body. According to Pastor Joseph Prince, many near terminal cases were completely healed when the family members take Holy Communion by the bed side of the sufferer in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) in the hospital. You can partake the Holy Communion to health, wholeness and prosperity.
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