Tuesday, April 19, 2011

God is Good - All the Time

Don Moen made the song famous by singing the song 'God is Good, All the Time'. The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan is not from God but is a result of the fallen nature of man when Adam disobeyed God and ate the apple from the forbidden tree of Good and Evil. Since then, the earth has been cursed and disease and sickness began. Men started to grow old, age and die. This was not the original plan that God has for mankind. Man was supposed to live for eternity and enjoy life here on earth. But alas, it was not to be! Because of the disobedience, Adam was cast out from the Garden of Eden and had to slought hard to bring food to the table and labour started. Since Eve tempted Adam, women has to suffer going through painful labour in order to give birth. So, that was how it is today.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Humble Thyself

Those who humble themselves will be exalted but those who exalt themselves will be humbled. This is a verse from the Bible but I have forgotten where I read it. In everything that we do, when we achieved success, we need to stay grounded and not let the success get into our heads. Stay humble and people will be attracted to you. Don't have false pride. Pride was the very reason Lucifer was kicked out from heaven as he wanted to be like God and to be worshipped. We don't worship angels as they are created beings. We only worship our creator, our Heavenly Father. As long as you stay humble, there should be no problems working for others and to have good relations with people you come across.
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