Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day?

Yesterday, I celebrated monster's mother's day. I felt like I just invited a bunch of hungry ghosts who won't hesitate to create a soap opera until the head of chef, a Caucasian, came out to see what the brouhaha is all about. I personally gave $50 ang pow and my partner gave $100 ang pow plus 2 stalks of carnations tinted with purple and white petals. I also gave this fella a thick felt green bag with a bottle of mineral water, a thumb drive and a leaflet that I got it free from Ecoworld. So far, Ecoworld has been having road shows week after week with different sets of gifts, from tea bags to notepad with a nice felt pen and finally a thumb drive per bag. The colour of the bag also changes from black to forrest green and it was pretty.


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