Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heaven is Rich

There's lots of gold bullion in heaven. Even the streets are solid gold and not gold plated. They are paved with gold. Since the Bible is the inspired word of God, and it is clearly stated so, hence I believe it. Also heaven is a place where is the no more suffering, no more tears and no more sickness and death. You will live for eternity and that is a very long time to come. There will be a new heaven and a new earth where all the animals will live at peace with each other.

There will not be any more killing for food or murders. Everyone will live at peach with each other and this is the ultimate goal in life later on. But for now, we have to endure suffering, disease, sickness, illness and aging. But it will all come to pass and a new life begins. So in the meantime, while we are here on earth, let us life at peace with each other until Jesus returns in the Second Coming of Christ to be reunited with his fellow Christians.

We cannot get away from present sufferings like earthquakes, tsunami, pestilences, wars and more wars, etc. So, while life here in imperfect, we have to make do with the present circumstances.


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