Monday, March 12, 2007

Prayer and Praise Releases Endorphines

Endorphines are the feel good hormones that are released after you have exercised or laughed. It is known that morphines also has endorphines but the more you consume morphines, the more addicted you become to the drugs and it has bad side effects. However, it has been scientifically shown that praying and praising God our Heavenly Father also releases endorphines and that is why you feel happy afterwards. In the Readers' Digest, it was stated that people who attended church regularly, lived longer by 7 years than their non-church attending counterparts. So, this explains why attending a good church with annointed preaching like Pastor Joseph Prince's New Creation Church in Singapore will make you feel happy, contented and prosperous. Hence, choose a good church that you feel comfortable with.


yokemay said...

going to the true church is more important than just satisfying our own needs or happiness in this case.

we go to church to worship God and to offer our love to Him as how He loves us.

I'm attending True Jesus Church ( Although I accepted Christ more than 16 years ago, i didn't discover the true church until November 2006 when I received the Holy Spirit.

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