Friday, July 8, 2016

Read the book of Proverbs

I woke up at 4am this morning and switched on the lamp to read the Bible. There are 31 chapters of the book of Proverbs, 1 chapter for each day! It contains lots of pearls of wisdom and right believing which will lead to right living. I have always read Proverbs for a long time for its timeless wisdom that spans through the centuries and it is God-breathed word from heaven. For instance, it tells you to follow the habits of the ant, storing up food in summer for winter and a lazy hands will lead to poverty. Another, too much sleep also leads to poverty. And don't make companions of prostitutes, or you will squander away your wealth. It has short stories that we can easily relate to and identify to our daily lives. This is so that our lives will be smooth sailing guided by the Holy Spirit.


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