MOMA is an acronym for Museum of Modern Art. I would love to visit this place someday if given the chance. From an initial gift of 8 prints and 1 drawing, the collection has grown to include over 150,000 paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, architectural models and drawings, and design objects. The success of its impressive growth speaks volumes of MOMA. Visitors come and patronize the premise to enjoy art that is collected over time. Art enthusiasts will certainly enjoy their visit to MOMA and slowly absorb the beauty of each art piece.
The Museum of Modern Art is located in Midtown Manhattan on 53rd Street in New York City. Well, I have never been to New York, but my second sister who is pursuing her PhD in South Hampton, UK has been here once to see the various art works during her stint in Singapore. She is the most well-traveled amongst us and gained rich experience.
Well, art is not just a still object, but as an art enthusiast, you will be able to appreciate the beauty and labor of the artist in creating any object of art for the public to admire. For the record, I have won poster drawing prizes before during my school holidays and I recall the time and work taken to create a masterpiece that is appreciate by my classmates! It was pinned up in an obvious place for all students to admire as they pass through the school area every day.
One also need to appreciate the time and effort taken to take a beautiful photo shot by the patient photographer. This is especially so when you are shooting nature and animals in the wild. You must know how to set up the zoom lens, focal point, white light intensity, etc on your manual SLR camera.
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