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Do you know that you can make blogging as a career? Well, there are three types of bloggers - self-employed bloggers, part time bloggers and corporate bloggers. I guess I fall into the second category as a part time blogger since I have a full time job to work in a home office as an Information Technology executive. For the record, I love to blog and blogging is one of my hobbies currently, besides getting to monetize it.
There are professional bloggers out there who are self-employed. These are serious bloggers who will attend any formal functions, take lots of photos to create buzz and then go home to blog about it to create awareness of the products or the services of the companies. You will see lots and lots of photos that these self-employed bloggers will painstakingly edit on their computer using Photoshop as an example, and then post into their blog. Blogging is their full time job which keeps them very busy besides traveling around for more content on their blog.
Then there's part time bloggers like yours truly who will blog when there is free time. In the meantime, full concentration is given to my full time job at home. Most of these part time bloggers are also talented and get to leverage on their blogs for a win-win basis between bloggers and sponsors. Even if we don't have any sponsored posts to do, we will still continue to blog and maintain one or several blogs just for the fun of it. We love telling the world about our life, thus keeping an online journal for all to see.
The third category is the corporate bloggers which work for companies or businesses and draw a salary from them. They are the internal staff and their job function is to blog about the corporate products, services and any events. Some staff are hired specially to just blog and create more buzz and awareness of the corporations. With the 3 categories of bloggers, now you can see why blogging careers are possible if you have a computer, basic editing software, digital camera and a blogging platform.
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