Sunday, January 1, 2017

Attended Church Once in a While

I don't intend to attend regularly and be marked since I am considered bad influence to my partner who is giving regularly of RM 1k per week. Personally I think he gives too much, but then again that is his choice. I noticed things are happening whenever I am around and it does not bode well for a big church such as G e o r g e t o w n B a p t i s t I m p a c t. At times I ponder and consider of switching to a Catholic Church nearby like Lady of Sorrows along Macalister Road. After all, dad and two younger sisters are Catholics while mum is Methodist while I am currently a nominal baptist. I am more of 50-50 catholic-protestant since in my younger days before going to Singapore to study, I had attended Catechism classes for almost half a year.


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