Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mom and Me

Guest written by our friend Katie Callahan

Mom has given me the hardest time ever since I opened my own company. She seems to think I don't know what I'm doing or at least that I can't figure it out as I go along and is really driving me crazy. I mean, I am almost 40 years old and she seems to think that I never graduated from high school or something ridiculous like that! The other day she was lecturing me about how much I needed T1 new york and I just snapped. It's not like she's ever been this kind of business on her own and has advice to give me that she knows anything more about than I do. I felt kind of bad because I was kind of rude to her in the moment but I later apologized and she promised to try and back off a little bit when it came to my work. I hope that she needs it because if she doesn't I'm going to have to stop letting her be privy to all of my work related things.


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