Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Anti-ISA Gathering on 17th October
My local church has announced that there will be an anti-ISA Gathering on 17th October for the congregation in front of Dewan Sri Pinang at about 9:00pm. Every Friday night since the arrest of Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), Teresa Kok and a journalist from Chinese Press, Penangites have held Candlelight Vigil for the detainees with the latter two already released while RPK is detained for 2 years. ISA is a repressive system meant to detain the Communist insurgents during the British occupancy in the 1950s. They are detained without trial for as long as necessary. It is too bad that our Malaysian government under Badawi sees RPK as a threat to local security from his very popular blogging about the government and issues at large on politics. In my opinion ISA should be abolished by all means and RPK is just a harmless blogger exposing the wrongs of the government like detailing the dinner together of Deputy Prime Minister Najib with murdered Mongolian Altantuya.
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