I repeat, "You are not allowed to plagiarize this blog!" You had the cheek to call me after 12am midnight to rattle off about yourself and your intention of copying contents from my blog! Have you no consideration that I might be sleeping?? And this blog took me months to nurture to what it is today with frequent readings of the Bible for inspiration. And you, a non Christian, taking a short cut method hoping that you can copy verbatim all the contents here? Get real! If you have just started a new blog, write something unique and don't simply take shorts cuts by copying and pasting my contents here for your blog fodder. You can get away in the past of claiming credit for work you don't do such as fax template that I did but you are not going to do this to my blog.
Otherwise, I won't hessitate to close this blog and start a new blog somewhere with secret web address that you cannot find me! I am not too bothered about traffic because Adsense is peanuts. Don't make me reqret for telling you this blog in the first place! Copying is akin to taking my armpit hair and putting it on your armpit. Go read about blogging etiquette before you do anything.
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