Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Queue Up Church

Here is a youtube video showing the queue to New Creation Church about one and a half hours before the service starts. Imagine such hunger to hear God's word being preached by Pastor Joseph Prince, a modern day very annointed prophet and preacher. And they are not queuing up for ang pows or some free gifts from Her World magazine.

In fact, one of the shop owners got so curious what people are queueing up for that she decided to join in the crowd and then became a Christian and accepted Christ into her life. That's the living testimony of how people came to know this dynamic church that preaches to the whole world, United States included via satellite TV. And this was my former church when I was still in Singapore. I really missed not being able to attend in person the 4 services on Sundays. If you happen to be reading this and is in Singapore, just check up on newcreation.org.sg for the time of the service and make sure you don't miss it. I promise you won't regret it.


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