Yesterday was Pentecostal Sunday. The word comes from the Greek which means fifty. So, Pentecost was a celebration on the fiftieth day after Passover. It was a culmination of the feast of weeks (Exodus 34:22,23). Pentecost in the NT is the arrival of the Holy Spirit for the church (Acts 2). At Pentecost the disciples of Jesus were gathered and upon the filling of the Holy Spirit, they heard a great wind and spoke in tongues as tongues of fire that settled upon them.
There are two basic things which characterize Pentecostal churches and differentiate them from other Protestant groups: the first is the belief in a "Baptism of the Spirit" and the second is a belief in resultant charismata ("Gifts of the Spirit," like speaking in tongues).
So effectively, during Pentecostal Sunday, people have the gift of speaking in tongues, an unknown language and the most powerful prayer to God Almighty. When you speak in tongues, it is the language of the Holy Spirit and you may be praying for things to happen or to prevent future danger that you may not be aware of. With this unknown tongues, the devil cannot wire trap you compared to praying in English that people may understand.
Passwover is the most important feast of the Jewish calendar, celebrated at the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. The name "Passover" was derived from the actions of the angel of death as described in the book of Exodus. The angel "passed over" the homes of the Jews which were marked with the blood obtained from a ritual animal sacrifice. The same angel murdered the first-born son and first-born animals of every Egyptian family whose doorway was not so marked.
Now we have the blood of Jesus, son of God which is much better than the blood of sacrifices bulls and goats. In the Old Testament, those houses without the blood of a sacrificed animal on their doorpost will be visited by the Angle of Death who will murder the first-born son and first-born animals. If the blood of an animal is able to protect us from death, definitely the blood of Jesus can do much more. It can protect us from the traps and harms of the devil. Therefore, it is a good practise to say aloud Psalms 91 every morning when you wake up for protection of the day and at night for protection when you sleep.
This explains why some Christians are befalled with misfortunes and accidents or death even though they are serving God. We are in a war fare, and satan knows his time is limited. So, he goes all out to cause havoc and destruction to as many of innocent people as possible.
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