Saturday, April 14, 2007

You are Crowned with Glory and Honor

Psalms 8 verse 5 - For Thou hast in Christ mercifully restored man to his primitive estate, wherein he was but one remove below the angels; from which he was fallen by sin. Crowned - Man, fallen and lost man: who is actually restored to glory and dominion in Christ his head and representative, who received this crown and dominion for man's good, and in his stead; which he will in due time communicate to his members. And so the two expositions of this place concerning mankind and concerning Christ, may be reconciled. For he speaks of that honourable estate conferred first upon Christ, and then by his hands upon mankind. But the words more literally rendered are, Thou madest him a little less than God. And hence some have inferred, that man in his original state was the highest of all creatures.

Some people fluctuate from superiority complex to inferiority complex because they do not know who they are in Christ. Folks, as a Christian, you are crowned with Glory and Honor after Jesus's resurrection. So don't take yourself lightly and feel itimidated by other people's comments about you. It is not what others think, but what the Lord thinks about you; that He willingly died on the cross on your behalf.


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