Friday, July 26, 2013
Going Back to Penang
I am now in KL for the past 2 days already. Will be going back to Penang later this evening and arriving near midnight. I am still thinking whether to attend church or not. It is more about money matters now and when you tithe $1k weekly, the message is on grace. But if you miss tithing $1k a week, the message is on law and human efforts without any due respect for the congregation. Money speaks the loudest in this materialistic society. When you have been giving for so many years, it is expected that you continue to give and give. Otherwise, you see different treatment from the leaders. There is a church in Singapore that preaches so much on tithing that it makes S$19 million in a day. The way the pastor preaches, people give out of fear and compulsion and it is not surprising that this is one of the richest church in the world.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Earned S$42 This Morning
Just got paid in S$42 for 6 articles about Singapore that I completed this morning. Each article is 500 to 550 words. Yes, it is possible to earn some money now and then via the internet when you are determined and constantly look around for work. This is a repeat client and we have good working relations. It is a blessing to be able to milk the internet which has been my cash cow since I joined. I also found my cousin. We have been working together for 10 years already and work very well as a team to prosper many people under our employment and also our relatives. Most of your financial problems can be solved with the internet provided you invest in some skills and reading up to leverage on this amazing media.