Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tithing is a Personal Matter
You cannot force everyone to tithe or coerce church members to continue tithing. People have their own reasons not to tithe but give offering instead. So, it is up to the creativity of the church management to come up with ways to make more money like opening a Christian kindergarten for their church building fund. Not every one has the revelation to tithe or give 10% of your income.
Blessed to Work from Home
I know of many friends and ex-colleagues who keep job hopping and can never get confirmed beyond the probation period. That's because they are either lazy, have no initiative or simply darn late for work! They also could not work in a team and think that they are the boss. Because of this wrong attitude, they cannot find permanent employment! Unless they are lucky with rich parents to support them, most of them have to live below the poverty line with barely enough to feed themselves.
Topamax Birth Defect Law Suit
There are several claims for Topamax birth defect law suit through Austin personal injury attorney who can file the case in a professional manner for you. Many unsuspecting victims or users of Topamax have suffered health consequences as a result of using this drug to treat migraines. Not all drugs are safe for consumption and some of them like Topamax may have adverse effects on the consumers. That is why you need to know your rights and make claims through your Austin personal injury attorney. There are several channels for you to refer to in cases of making claims from the said drug company.
To find out more check out the details below or contact them soon.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
To find out more check out the details below or contact them soon.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hedge of Protection
As God's child, you have a hedge of God's protection around your life from the enemy. You will be protected from accidents, premature death or any evil that may be thrown to you by the enemy. God sends his guardian angels to keep us safe from harm. When you walk, you will not stumble. This is the blessing God gives his children. You will also never beg in the streets for our Heavenly Father will provide for us all our needs. That is why you never see Christians begging in the streets. Since God provide food for the birds and the bees, surely He will also take care of you.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Going to the Bank Today
I was on a business trip last week when I got a call from Public Bank requesting me to go there and discuss about my investment in government bonds that has matured and money put back into my savings account. I am not sure what the bank officer wants to discuss with me about but I need to weigh the pros and cons of further investment that involves unit trusts or share market. With uncertainty in the Middle East, and Japan's problems, the share market is very volatile and I never believe in putting my hard-earned money there. And I don't plan to invest in properties as money put in properties are illiquid. You cannot withdraw immediately or sell immediately and you will need emergency cash if anything happens.
I have a Good Stable Job
I only blog on a part time basis and not glued to blogging all the time. I have a full time job you know. And I get to work from a home office, enjoy perks like occasional travels now and then and earn by commissions. Sometimes my commissions are more than my basic salary. Suffice to say, I can live comfortably as long as I am working and that is why I need to save up for my retirement for them to be golden years ahead and not woeful one where some people have to beg in the streets. I work alone at home, no more obnoxious colleagues and I have a very understanding boss. And I thank God for my blessings now.
Trained as a Lawyer
I have a nephew who is a lawyer and trained in Australia. He did very well for his pre-university exams and got offered a job even before he graduated. By now I am sure he is a practicing lawyer in Australia. In Singapore, it is not easy to get to study for a law degree in the National University of Singapore or simply abbreviated as NUS. You need to exercise self-supremacy, have an extroverted character and gung-ho attitude. This attributes are needed because you need to be able to fight a case for your client in court and to win. That is where Topamax lawsuit comes in where you can make claims for your clients who are victimized. You also need to have a winner's attitude and not be too emotionally attached to your clients.
Brought to you by O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
Brought to you by O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
Got paid for my bonds
Today I received RM 205 in my Public Bank account for bonds invested some time back. It gives higher returns than Fixed Deposits which is at 5% compared to 2.75% for FD. The bonds are at 3 years maturity. Tomorrow, my 2 fixed deposits at Maybank will mature after 1 year tenure and I am going to put for monthly maturity compared to yearly. I always keep track of my finances and how much I have accumulated. This will give me an indication on how much to spend and whether I have reached my targeted savings. Making money and earning it is fun!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Ministry in Writing
My blog here is my ministry in writing. Some anonymous fella emailed me if I am interested in his ministry in writing where he will set up a web site and emailed bloggers like me to contribute. Well, I blog for one purpose and that is to make money. It kills two birds with one stone as I also get to do ministry in writing for this blog. Since I don't know who this fella is, I did not reply. Besides, he is using a pseudonym and this turns me off. I prefer to deal with the real person and not someone else hiding behind another name. For all you know, he might be using bloggers like me to earn revenue to his sites.