I guess the secret to our business success is that my friend links to church and God has been faithful to us. We have been blessed time and again for the last couple of years despite the difficulty at the initial stage when we just started out. I had to work extra hard to promote the business but now we are quite established with an online presence, ads in yellow pages and word-of-mouth advertising.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Missed Church Today
The room was too cosy, and I skipped church today to stay in and sleep under the comforter with the air con turned on. My friend went to church instead to tithe on a weekly basis as God has been blessing his business every month with projects coming in. And the timing is so good - when one project is almost complete, new ones will come in giving our workers constant job all year round.

I guess the secret to our business success is that my friend links to church and God has been faithful to us. We have been blessed time and again for the last couple of years despite the difficulty at the initial stage when we just started out. I had to work extra hard to promote the business but now we are quite established with an online presence, ads in yellow pages and word-of-mouth advertising.
I guess the secret to our business success is that my friend links to church and God has been faithful to us. We have been blessed time and again for the last couple of years despite the difficulty at the initial stage when we just started out. I had to work extra hard to promote the business but now we are quite established with an online presence, ads in yellow pages and word-of-mouth advertising.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God
Matthew 6:33 - "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." (King James Version)
We ought to have the right priorities in life. When we seek God's kingdom and His righteousness, all these things like health, good exam results, wealth, true riches, prosperity shall be added unto us. It does not say one thing or some things but ALL things shall be added and not taken away from us. In all things ideally, God should come first, then family and then work. Even in a marriage or relationship, God should come first to seal the bond between two different people. As Christian, it is the Holy Spirit guiding us what to do, and be our beacon of guiding light. We also should set aside some time to meditate on the Bible and be tranformed by the renewal of our minds each day.
We ought to have the right priorities in life. When we seek God's kingdom and His righteousness, all these things like health, good exam results, wealth, true riches, prosperity shall be added unto us. It does not say one thing or some things but ALL things shall be added and not taken away from us. In all things ideally, God should come first, then family and then work. Even in a marriage or relationship, God should come first to seal the bond between two different people. As Christian, it is the Holy Spirit guiding us what to do, and be our beacon of guiding light. We also should set aside some time to meditate on the Bible and be tranformed by the renewal of our minds each day.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
A Generous Man will Prosper
Proverbs 11:25 - A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. (New International Version)
This is a pertinent verse as it speaks of being generous towards the poor and the needy. As an aside, I have bought RM100 of food coupons for the food fair at The Little Sisters of the Poor to raise funds for the maintenance of the aged and poor. My dad will be the photographer and will donate the photos to the organisation. Being generous means not to hoard your money or savings and give charitably whenever possible. When you give, you will also be blessed and prosper in future as stated in Proverbs 11. As they said, one good turn deserves another and the way to receive is to give generously. God will eventually bless you.
This is a pertinent verse as it speaks of being generous towards the poor and the needy. As an aside, I have bought RM100 of food coupons for the food fair at The Little Sisters of the Poor to raise funds for the maintenance of the aged and poor. My dad will be the photographer and will donate the photos to the organisation. Being generous means not to hoard your money or savings and give charitably whenever possible. When you give, you will also be blessed and prosper in future as stated in Proverbs 11. As they said, one good turn deserves another and the way to receive is to give generously. God will eventually bless you.