There are ways to create alternative energy from waste. This is a brilliant idea that not many people are aware of. You might like to know that a company by the name of N-Viro International Corporation develops and licenses its technology to municipalities and private companies. Their patented processes use lime and/or mineral-rich, combustion byproducts to treat, pasteurize, immobilize and convert wastewater sludge and other bio-organic wastes into biomineral agricultural and soil-enrichment products with real market value. The company has generated sales in excess of $40 million dollars, since its initial public offering in October of 1993. With this huge share market capitalization, no wonder investors are ever ready to put in their money and faith in this brilliant idea and trust this company to deliver more profits. Their web site is at where you can browse for more details.
And personally, I have been reading books on the stocks and to learn how to interpret financial reports in the newspapers. Also, I have recently open an online share trading account with Public Bank but am not in a hurry to trade yet until I know all the facts and figures and how to make money from the stock market. It is important to know how to read the charts and predict bull runs to make a gain. I plan to be a fundamental analysis investor or long term investor and not short term investor or also known as technical analysis investor.