Monday, November 24, 2008
More People will turn to Jesus in this Economic Climate
There is a silver lining in every dark cloud. In this global recession and economic gloom, more people will turn to Jesus for answers to their problems. They will seek solace in finding spiritual answers to their current financial crisis. Many more will become spiritual and attend church more regularly. As there is a time and place to everything under the sun, we need to know whether we will be retrenched from our current jobs which has happened to thousands of employees in USA. It is predicted that about 1 million people will be jobless in year 2009 in USA alone amidst the financial meltdown. Christmas is exactly one month away, and I hope it will bring quantums of solace (not James Bond movie) and season of being jolly to lift us up from a castdown mood.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
God Continues to Bless Despite the Economic Downturn
Many people are worried about the future - about 1 million Americans will be jobless by 2009 and recession has hits many countries like USA, Europe, Japan, Singapore, etc. But thank God that He continue to bless me with constant income working from home for my boss in his sports building business all over Malaysia. My basic income is not much, just hit the 4 digit category, but I earn more from my commissions ranging from 3% to 5% for the various projects that we have on an almost monthly basis. It is also time to save up for rainy days like the impending global recession and economic crunch in Malaysia. Companies are retrenching workers by the thousands and it is only a matter of time before Malaysia is affected.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Proofs that the Bible is God Breathe
Yesterday, I was in church listening to an invited Caucasian speaker preached about the topic mentioned above. There are many proofs to show that indeed the Bible is the living word of God and God inspired. First there is the archeological proof in the past of artifacts mentioned in the Bible being found in the exact location. Even the spokes of wheels were found in the Red Sea of the Egyptian army chasing after Moses and his people. There is also historical proof that before man discovered that the Earth is round, it was already mentioned in the Bible. Besides that, prophesies have come to past and happened right to the very date and place being prophesied hundreds of years ago and it cannot be human work and writings but that of God. Finally, we need to give an ear and a hearing to the Bible and live a life that is victorious and full of grace.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Down with Cough
I did not attend church service today as I was coughing badly this morning during breakfast that I thought it is better not to spread the germs in church and to interrupt the sermon. The topic was about wisdom, something that I would love to hear the pastor preach. Too bad I don't have web-TV at home to watch on soccer and fan life. Anyway, I was too tired to do anything else, must less to watch TV. Hence, I was in bed beneath the comforters with the air-con turned on trying to recuperate and to recover from my heaty cough.